Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Cradle To Cradle

I just want to live on a small plot of land in a simple house, grow most of my own food, generate solar/wind/geothermal energy, make art, watch movies, and...a few other things. (Not necessarily in that order.) Ultimately I just want to leave the planet a little better then when I came into it.

I just read an interesting book called Cradle To Cradle: Remaking The Way We Make Things. An architect and a chemical enginee wrote a book about redesigning much of what we make (cars, buildings, carpets, plastic bottles, etc) so that instead of just making them "less bad", we could actually make them so that they are actually beneficial to the planet. Buildings can be designed that create a SURPLUS of energy that can go back to grid, sewage can filter through designed marshes that leave the water cleaner than when it came in. "to go" boxes and drink cups that are made out of a biodegradable material that is actually beneficial to the soil when it gets tossed out. There is so much we can do to help this planet. Many chemicals in products are toxic and unnecessary, yet regulations, or lack of them, allow manufacturers to make all kinds of crap that is knowingly toxic to humans and the planet and can't be recycled. Who pays for this? We all do eventually.
There is no "away" to throw things since we all share the same planet and it's getting smaller all the time. Most "recycled" is actually "downcycled": The raw materials can't be reused for the same purpose, but must be used in some downscale way. For example,the metal from cars can't be made into new cars - because the material is weakened by impurities due to the way modern cars are constructed and painted. So why don't we make cars where all of the materials can be separated and reused? Perhaps because manufacturers don't have to think about what happens after the customer buys the car. Things need to be designed for reuse, however most things are not. Why? If all cars were simply "leased" for the life of the car, 10, 20, 30 years or whatever, and then returned to the manufacturer for recycling, we could save so much of our raw materials & energy. Actually, we could do this for almost everything we make: computers, phones, televisions... it could all be "loaned" out for the duration of it's life, and then returned to the manufacturer for recycling of all of it's parts and materials. All this can be done so that it's cheaper to manufacture, requiring less energy and raw materials, and be truly recyclable: making things so much better for the planet and more profitable. but we are humans who want to "own" things forever, or at least until they break or we want something new. it's a strange idea to shift our thinking from "owning" things to buying the rights to use it. How much better the things in our world could be designed! I love to read about these ideas because it gives me hope that we may, if we can get our act together, have a planet that isn't going to be totally f*cked because we couldn't figure it out. Reading this book makes me want to be an industrial designer or an architect.... is it too late to go back to college?

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Summer in the City

Been living at the loft for about 6 months now. Can't say I'm crazy about it. Not enough light in the office to want to work here, no easy access to outdoors, let alone a green space for the pup to run free. Not sure how much longer we can continue to live here. I want a yard/deck again! Too nice to be indoors typing on this machine...I'm going out!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Going on a road trip to see beautiful canyons, ancient ruins, eat good food, camp, and visit good friends and family.

View Larger Map

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Settling In

Had a "studio sale" and got rid of a lot of stuff. Still more stuff to sell and organize, but the space is clearing up.... Soon we will have a photo studio, so I need to get some business! I love living with Amber and Rio. I've set up a kick ass home theater system, and with the central library right down the street, I've got tons of movies to watch! Rock on! Just updated my website with the correct address and some new images in the travel section. Also just redid my portfolio. Now I need to figure out who to show it to!


Sunday, October 26, 2008

I have a headache...

...from missing her.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


There are boxes everywhere. I am drowning in boxes. Can't...breath....

Ok, it's not quite THAT bad, but it's bad. We have WAY too much stuff. Time to purge purge purge! Settling in is going to take a while...perhaps several months.

Trying not to stress.

Monday, October 13, 2008

archives now working

Archives of previous posts now works. You can now read my postings from my trip around the world. Enjoy!

Moving Once Again

It's been a while since I last posted anything on my blog. Where to start....

Amber and I are moving to a artist's loft community downtown in less than a week!


It's a big space so we will be able to set up a small photo studio in it, as well as have an office and room to store our stuff! It's also a building with fellow artists like ourselves, so we will hopefully get inspired to create and grow our photo businesses. The down side is that there is no parking, no balcony, and the neighborhood is a bit dodgy at night. We will get it sorted, but it will be a definite change to living here on the hill.