I just announced to most of my friends that I am going to go on a year-long trip around the world. Now I guess I really have to do it or look like I’m chicken.

So Greg Jerrett says, “You should set up a blog, that would be cool.” And I though, yeah, that could be cool. My trip is “supposed” to start in October sometime. Anyway, I’m thinking of trying to get out of here on the first or soon thereafter. I still need to decide where I’m going a little more clearly, find an agent, get my ticket, find someone completely awesome to sub-let my place and take care of Grover, and get my shit together. Right now, with just over 2 months to go before my hopeful departure, I am still in denial that I have so much to do. I DID take the first step: I got vaccinated. Hep A, Typhoid, Tetnious, Menengitus, Malaria pills…. Cat’s made a list of Chinese herbs to take along too. So the ball is finally rolling….