One Night In Bangkok

I started my big year-long trip around the world by missing my flight. Yep. I thought I was to leave at 2 in the afternoon, when actually I was supposed to leave 12 hours earlier, at 2 AM. I was put on a wait list for Wednesday. So there I was, all ready and no where to go. I had already said goobye to everyone, and so I just wanted to hide until I got on the next flight. Catherine and I had a nice “free day” of walking around downtown while she shopped for clothes for her own excursion. It was nice…. I really miss her. I am slowly adjusting to the hot humid stickiness that is Bangkok. The food is cheap and so damn good. So many great things to eat and buy and do…. So much that my brain has broken. Every thing I try to decide to do becomes this huge deal. By chosing, we deny the other choices…so it’s best not to choose. This logic allows you to do nothing…until you are forced to choose. Then the choice is usually not the best, but the only. Not a good way to live really. So, when my brain starts working again, I’ll probably choose to leave Bangkok and head down to Ko Chang…hopefully before my 38th birthday in a few days. I’m just not going to rush myself. I need time to adjust to my new life.