
I’ve just read through the last several blogs that I’ve posted and have noticed that I do an awful lot of complaining here. It’s not that I’m having a terrible time, it’s just that it feels good to vent on this blog. I think my horror stories are more interesting than my good time stories anyway. Everybody likes a good travel horror story, right? I mean, if I just wrote about all the good times I’m having, it would be A) boring and B) irritating. Who wants to hear just about how wonderful traveling around the world is? It’s actually pretty great, it’s true. But it’s also full of complications and bad times as well, just like life back home. It’s all in the attitude you have, whether you’re touring around Egypt or going to work at the post office every day. If you’re mind isn’t focused on the present moment, you’re missing your life. It’s easy to miss life, even when touring the world. My head has been in the past and in the future for many weeks, and I now see how I’ve rarely found the greatness and beauty of life as it was unfolding before me while I wallowed in my recent past. It’s not just me. I know It’s really a struggle for most of us to be in the moment, no matter what we do with our lives.

“Life is what happens while you’re busy making other plans.”
John Lennon

So please, if I can just give you some wisdom from my adventures: Try to be more conscious of the present moment. If you consider it for a moment, you’ll see that it’s where ALL of life really happens. We all spend way too much time planning and remembering, and not nearly enough time just living in the moment.

Ok enough metaphysical mumbo jumbo. Time to hit the beach!!!