TK Lofts Open House

The place where I live, the Tashiro Kalpaln Artist Lofts, had it’s annual open house party last Thursday.  Amber and I hung our photos in an empty loft space that also happened to be where all the donated food was, so we had lots of visitors.  Even better, the live music and bar was right outside the window.   It was a great night.  I put up 15 of my framed travel photos and several figure drawings.    Got lots of comments and even made a sale.  Yay!  Amber sold a photo as well.  Amber and I, along with fellow residents Eli and Jeppa were the “event planners” and I’m proud to say that the event had the biggest resident participation ever, and the attendance figures were way up from last year.   Everybody did a great job of setting up and making the event successful and I am hoping we can have a big event like this again next spring.