Tag Archives: Photography

I Heart Spider Monkeys

So I worked with Kevin Horan last week shooting for a magazine you may have heard of called National Geographic.   The assignment was to photograph a pair of spider monkeys who are being tested for color blindness at the University of Washington’s research labs.  We got to the lab at about 7:30 AM and after a short safety briefing, where we were told we had to wear masks, gloves, booties, and disposable lab coats while were were in the lab with the monkeys.  This wasn’t for our protection, it was to protect the monkeys from our dirty human germs.   We donned the garb and proceeded into what was to be our “photo studio” for the next 6 hours; a tiny 10×12 room, half full of carts and cages and a computer and testing area, plus a sizable counter for food.  We were to add to this our soft boxes on stands, as well as additional background lights, not to mention the two researchers, the two monkeys, as well as Kevin and myself.  There was barely room to move, no windows, and no air conditioning.  Apparently spider monkeys like it warm and claustrophobic.   After setting up the lights, the first monkey is brought in and he’s very nervous, curious about the all the lighting equipment, and very interested in all of the food.  After some time exploring, he relaxed and started snacking our our cornucopia of delicious monkey treats.  Since the story was on color blindness, Kevin had arranged a variety of red and green fruits and veggies for the monkey could nosh on while we photographed him.  As much as we pushed the nice red strawberries and red bell peppers, apparently spider monkeys prefer green things like peas and green peppers.  They even prefer the green dots (the candy) over the red ones.  Who knew monkeys preferred green food?  By the end of our shoot, I loved both of the monkeys and wanted to bring them home with me.  However, I found no way of sneaking them into my pockets without being caught. One of the scientists mentioned that back in the 70’s,  spider monkeys used to be sold in ads in the back of Boy’s Life magazines.   When I got home, I looked this up and it turns out to be true.  Check it out. For 18.95, I could have ordered myself a spider monkey.  I can’t see that it’s very humane treatment to mail  monkeys to young American boy’s households, and I’m sure few parents allowed their kids to order one.  It turns out, raising spider monkeys is a fairly time-consuming and expensive.   They get sick very easily, need a lot of attention (as you can imagine, they are very clever), and require a variety of fruits, vegetables, and tropical insects to get proper nutrition.   Not an easy job for a 9 year old kid from Iowa.  So perhaps it’s best that they no longer sell monkeys in the back of kid’s magazines.  Anyway, these lab monkeys were born color blind and through the marvels of science, these researchers have found a way to inject some kind of scary sounding genetically altered virus into the eyes of these monkeys (ouch, and can you say “28 days later”?) and now they can see colors.  Soon color blindness will be curable!   Thanks little monkeys!  Look for the story in National Geographic Magazine coming soon!

TK Lofts Open House

The place where I live, the Tashiro Kalpaln Artist Lofts, had it’s annual open house party last Thursday.  Amber and I hung our photos in an empty loft space that also happened to be where all the donated food was, so we had lots of visitors.  Even better, the live music and bar was right outside the window.   It was a great night.  I put up 15 of my framed travel photos and several figure drawings.    Got lots of comments and even made a sale.  Yay!  Amber sold a photo as well.  Amber and I, along with fellow residents Eli and Jeppa were the “event planners” and I’m proud to say that the event had the biggest resident participation ever, and the attendance figures were way up from last year.   Everybody did a great job of setting up and making the event successful and I am hoping we can have a big event like this again next spring.

11.5% isn’t much, but it’s a start.

All of the places I’ve visited: A mere 11.5% of the world. It’s almost unbelievable how large the world is. I feel like I’ve seen so much of the world, yet in reality, I’d need several lifetimes (and a large sum of money) to see every country with any sense of depth. I haven’t traveled to new lands in over a year, so I am getting itchy feet. Wish I could afford to go exploring. Need to get that dream photography gig that takes me to the Seychelles, or Paris, or Slovakia, or Peru, or New Zealand, or…

visited 26 states (11.5%)
Create your own visited map of The World or Best time to visit Saudi Arabia

2 more days till lift-off!

Almost finished packing! I’ve been packing for weeks and am surrounded by boxes. Soon I will walk out my front door for the last time. It’s bittersweet, this huge change. On the one hand I know it’s for the best, as I’ve been stagnating here for years… but on the other hand, I love this place. It’s been my home for so long. I have so many memories here and returning to Seattle without a home to come back to is going to be…difficult. So, for all my friends who are wishing me a bon voyage… please call me when I get back on APRIL 24th, and check up on me because I WILL BE FREAKED OUT about not being able to come back to 419 12th Ave East. I’ll try to write once more before I go start the new chapter of my life. If your name is Kourtney, I’d especially like to hear from you. You are why I started living here in the first place, and I miss you.


Two years ago today, I was in Vietnam. A year ago today, my sweet cat Grover died. Today, I am releasing a book on my travels to SE Asia. Life is happy-sad-bittersweet. I also want to mention to all of you who do not know…the house where I’ve been living the last 16 YEARS is soon going to be sold. I will be moving…at long last. The very idea of packing 16 years of collected things and moving makes my stomach burn and leaves me unable to sleep. Anyway, check out my book… and buy one.

Southeast Asia: Bur…
By Gregory White

Sign in Myanmar – to instill fear.


To Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views (of the government).

To Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the state and progress of the nation.

To Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State.

To Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy.

Of any place in the world the US should be meddling, it’s here. This government is horrible. Worse even than China.

RTW SHOW in October

Yippie! I am having a show of 22 photos from my trip around the world! The show opens on October 13th at the PulpLab Gallery in Ballard (Ballard Ave and Dock St). Oct 13th is also the Ballard Artwalk, so it should be a good time. Prices for 12×18 framed prints are very reasonable so you should come down a buy your favorite before they all sell out, which they (fingers crossed) will. However, if your favorite sells, remember I can print another one. Get on the invite list by sending me an email or posting a response here.